leo bud welch live at iridium

85 year old gospel blues phenom Leo Bud Welch puts on an old fashioned musical revival on this incredible live CD/DVD set recorded at NY’s prestigious club The Iridium! Take a journey through 6+ decades of blues music as Welch performs a mix of traditional songs, standards, and Welch’s own compositions highlighted by “Praise His Name,” “Got My Mojo Working,” “Don’t Let The Devil Ride,” “Good Morning, Little School Girl” and more! The pro-shot DVD was directed by Wes Orshoski known for his documentaries on UK punk legends The Damned and the late great Lemmy of Motörhead! The DVD also includes a bonus interview/video biography of Welch!

Leo Bud Welch – Live at the Iridium

Label: Cleopatra
Release date: 31 March 2017

Track Listings

Disc: 1
1. Praise His Name
2. Still a Fool
3. Got My Mojo Working
4. Five Long Years
5. No More Doggin’
6. Woke Up This Morning
7. My Babe
8. Sweet Little Angel
9. Cadillac Baby
10. Po’ Boy
11. You Don’t Have to Go
12. Pepticon
13. Don’t Let the Devil Ride
14. Rollin’ & Tumblin’
15. Good Morning, Little School Girl
16. Walkin’ the Floor Over You
17. Me and My Lord

Disc: 2
1. Praise His Name
2. Still a Fool
3. Got My Mojo Working
4. Five Long Years
5. No More Doggin’
6. Woke Up This Morning
7. My Babe
8. Sweet Little Angel
9. Cadillac Baby
10. Po’ Boy
11. You Don’t Have to Go
12. Pepticon
13. Don’t Let the Devil Ride
14. Rollin’ & Tumblin’
15. Good Morning, Little School Girl
16. Walkin’ the Floor Over You
17. Me and My Lord

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