Tony Joe White - Rain Crow

Tony Joe White – Rain Crow

Label: YepRoc/V2
Release date: 27 May 2016

Ouderwets Tony Joe; white & black, funky en swampy… New album May 27th, tourdates november 2016

In 1969 verscheen Black And White, de eerste LP van Tony Joe White met daarop de megahit Polk Salad Annie. Dit was nieuwe muziek: swamp rock. Plattelandsblues en -country, geboren in het moeras, en in de verte vergelijkbaar met het werk van John Fogerty’s Creedence Clearwatee Revival. Nu, in 2016, 47 jaar later, is er Rain Crow. Een fantastische nieuwe CD van White, geproduceerd door zijn zoon Jody en moeiteloos van hetzelfde niveau van zijn klassieke oude werk. The Bad Wind is een van de hoogtepunten, een spookachtige murder ballad. The Middle Of Nowhere schreef hij samen met Billy Bob Thornton en is ook subliem. Ach, alles is meer dan geweldig. Geen wonder dat Lucinda Williams, die andere componist van definitieve liedjes over het Zuiden van de VS, zo graag met hem samenwerkt.

Te bestellen bij : Bestel CD | Bestel 2-LP

Tracklist Tony Joe White – Rain Crow
1. Hoochie Woman
2. The Bad Wind
3. Rain Crow
4. The Opening Of The Box
5. Right Back In The Fire
6. The Middle Of Nowhere
7. Conjure Child
8. Where Do They Go
9. Tell Me A Swamp Story

Listen to Hoochie Woman below:

Tony Joe White - "Hoochie Woman" (Official Audio)

Of the song, Tony Joe says, “She is a woman who has magic, although not quite like a conjure woman. And she likes to dance and be with her man (Smoochie Man), and a conjure don’t like company at all. I’m more at ease with Hoochie, but I believe Leann, my wife and co-writer, sometimes has a little “Conjure Woman” in her.”

“With a deep, come-hither voice” (Mother Jones) and an “ability to turn that throbbing, thumping uh-uhh hazy guitar beat” (PopMatters), the “King of Swamp Rock” Tony Joe White will release his 19th studio album, Rain Crow, on May 27th via Yep Roc Records.

Recorded at his own studio and produced by his son, Jody White, Rain Crow summons recollections of long ago, when animals foretold the weather, tongue-talking worshippers proved their faith by handling snakes and a “bad wind” could drive a man to edge of insanity.

The nine-song set features new compositions White wrote over the past three years, including co-writes with his wife, Leann, and Billy Bob Thornton on “The Middle of Nowhere.” Known for popularizing swamp music, White has written gems like “Polk Salad Annie” and “Rainy Night in Georgia,” and has had his songs performed by Elvis, Ray Charles, and Tina Turner.

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